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« About myself »
Bild von Tassilo

Tassilo This is me: Tassilo Schweiger
Rudolf-Zorn-Str. 36
D-81739 München

Tassilo S. Schweiger, born in 1978, born and living in Munich, grown up in Karlsruhe, masters degree in "Book- and media research" (M.A.) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (summer semester 2022), bachelors degree of book science (B.A.), at LMU Munich, as well (winter semester 2019/20). Education as a state-approved commercial computer scientist at SRH Heidelberg, before that a student of pedagogy at PH Karlsruhe.

Main focus: Old books, fonts and writings, written objects, digitalisation, archiving

« My interests »

Ancient books:

I am interested in ancient books. Books older than 1800 are what I call "ancient". I am collecting these books for myself and I own some quite old ones. It surprises me, how they can survive such a long period of time. They are made in a time, where hardly anyone shares even memories from. In a lecture with the topic "Codicology and medievel book history" I wrote an essay about Bibliander's publication on Koran from the year 1543. You can find it in the section "Publications". Furthermore, there are some self-digitized historic books on that homepage at section "Books inventory" free for download.

Fonts, writings, types of fonts and writings:

Fonts and writings of every type have always fascinated me. There are some fonts and writings, to the one hand old ones, to the other hand foreign (from different cultures, countries), which I am already able to read or at least "decipher". Greek, cyrillian oder Sütterlin, old German, are amongst them for example. Carl Faulmanns' book ("Das Buch der Schrift"), which he wrote in the last quarter of the 19th century, delivers a good summary over the variety of writings and fonts. My mother gave this book as a christmas present in a reprint version, but I afforded the original version of this book written in 1880, as well. In my opinion a book worth buying, if you are interested in fonts and writings of all different types and ages.

Written objects:

Another focus on my interests is on "written objects". These are media with skriptografic or typografic content. In my bachelor thesis I introduced a new classification for written objects. The main characteristic of it is the degree of directness of the data transmission. This classification shows, that the more the medial communication develops, the more it is in an indirect way. Learn more about it in the section "Publications".


As a business computing expert, I am interested in digitalisation of old books. That is how they can be made open to public every time, without damaging the original. Therefore, that issue is on great evidence for me. I worked on Digitalisation at Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) for some time.


Archiving is a subject I am into research for some time now, where I am interested in. The question "How is it possible to store scriptographic or typographic media for the longest possible time period?" is an issue mankind has focused on for quite a long time. My research shows that this issue is even higher, when medialisation goes on, because, as written above, the degree of indirectness of communication rises. Because of this, new problems arise. Please learn about that on my lecture on the studies coference "Digitales Zeitalter, digitale Kommunikation, Digital Humanities", that I held at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University on Jan. 16th, 2019. See the [link] to my abstract and to the presentation.

As well, my master thesis is about the topic of "Archiving". For further information, consider section "Publications", "Research projects".

« Publications »

Research projects

Title: Die Langzeitarchivierung – Betrachtungen eines ungelösten Problems der Medienwelt
Category: Master Thesis
Date: Sept 16th, 2020
Seminar/Conference: Oberseminar
Grade: C
Download: Text [DE] [PDF][EPUB]
Download: Abstract [DE] [PDF]
Download: Expose [DE] [PDF]
Download: Reading list [DE] [PDF]

Title: Versuch einer Taxonomie der Schriftträger unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten Medientechnologien
Category: Bachelor Thesis
Date: Nov 21st, 2018
Seminar/Conference: Aktuelle Forschungsfragen
Grade: C+
Download: Text [DE] [PDF][EPUB] (changed layout)
Download: Presentation [DE] [PPSX]


Title: Schriftträger und der Aspekt der Archivierung
Category: Lecture/Presentation
Date: Jan 16th, 2019
Seminar/Conference: Studierendenkonferenz "Digitales Zeitalter, digitale Kommunikation, Digital Humanities"
Grade: N/A
Homepage: Abstract and Presentation [DE] [https://www.netz13.gwi.uni-muenchen.de]
Download: Abstract [DE] [PDF]
Download: Handout [DE] [PDF]
Download: Presentation [DE] [PPSX]


Title: Der Schriftstreit zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
Category: Homework
Date: Jan 17th, 2023
Seminar/Conference: N/A
Grade: N/A
Download: Text [DE] [PDF]
Download: Abstract [DE] [PDF]
Download: Expose [DE] [PDF]

Title: Das Cradle-to-Cradle-Prinzip – Nachhaltigkeit in Zeiten von Corona
Category: Homework
Date: Nov 6th, 2020
Seminar/Conference: Nachhaltigkeit als sozialethisches Prinzip
Grade: B+
Download: Text [DE] [PDF]
Download: Abstract [DE] [PDF]

Title: Das Cradle-to-Cradle-Prinzip – Nachhaltigkeit in der Printmedien-Industrie
Category: Homework
Date: Feb 27th, 2020
Seminar/Conference: Buchgeschichte – Umweltgeschichte
Grade: B-
Download: Text [DE] [PDF]
Download: Abstract [DE] [PDF]
Download: Presentation [DE] [PPSX]

Title: Bibliander und seine Publikation zum Islam (1543)
Category: Homework
Date: Mar 8th, 2018
Seminar/Conference: Kodikologie und mittelalterliche Buchgeschichte
Grade: B+
Download: Text [DE] [PDF]

Title: Vom buchhändlerischen Geschäftsbrief zum Formular –
Über die Notwendigkeit der Standardisierung und Normierung im Verlagsgewerbe im 18. Jahrhundert
Category: Homework
Date: Feb 9th, 2018
Seminar/Conference: Innenansichten eines Verlagskontors im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
Grade: B
Download: Text [DE] [PDF]

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